Friday, November 5, 2010

Why Republicans Are Evil

I'm not absolutely certain that all Republicans are evil, but I'm convinced that most of them are. They are mean-spirited, angry, bigoted and selfish people who are only interested in perpetuating the status quo. While they're not all mean-spirited or bigoted, they are all selfish and don't really give a damn about this country. If they did, they wouldn't behave the way they do.
Last week's elections were a painful if not surprising setback for those who reject the Republican philosophy. Democrats all across the country suffered defeat at the polls for supporting the president's agenda. With control of the House going over to the Republicans, Americans can count on two years of political gridlock at a time in our history when we need government to perform extraordinarily.
After two years of doing their best to block nearly every proposal from Obama and the Democrats, voters punished the majority party for failing to act more boldly. I warned Obama that the financial collapse of 2008 would have to be labeled the Bush Recesssion or it would quickly become Obama's recession. It scarcely matters that the housing meltdown and the collapse of AIG, Lehman Bros., GM, et al were the result of eight years of government neglect. Bush and the Republicans let Wall Street moguls gamble with our financial future and left it to Obama to pick up the pieces.
Obama didn't run for president in order to bail out Goldman Sachs, GM and Chrysler. He ran on promises to reform health care and end the war in Iraq but before he could get to work on his campaign promises, Obama had to take dramatic action to prevent a total collapse of the economy.
Now the Republicans will try to force Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. No matter that we'll have to borrow more money from the Chinese in order to fund a tax break for millionaires. The Republicans will take car of their own, even as hundreds of thousands of displaced workers will lose their unemployment benefits.
When they return in January, the newly emboldened Republicans, aided and abetted by their partners in the Tea Party, will try to push their right wing agenda down our throats. The Democrats in the Senate will be able to block the worst of the GOP excesses and we'll have two years of gridlock, two years of terrible unemployment, two years of inefficient government.
Republicans will protect their Wall Street friends, their tax loopholes and the lobbyists that fund their attacks on the poor and middle class.
Republicans will welcome the resulting gridlock in the mistaken belief that inaction will further erode Obama's base and enrage more middle class voters. They want angry voters prepared to make a dramatic change in 2012.

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