Executives from JPMorgan Chase Bank have admitted the bank has cheated thousands of American servicemen serving in Iraq and Afghanistan by overcharging them on mortgages in violation of the law. The executives also admitted to illegally foreclosing on servicemen's homes. The executives have offered the effected servicemen a settlement totalling $2 million.
I want to urge all veterans, active servicemen and veterans organizations to boycott JPMorgan Chase. Take your money away from these greedy bankers and invest it in a bank that supports our troops.
I also want to urge the Justice Dept. to take legal action against the executives responsible for swindling thousands of men and women serving in combat. While the second largest bank in America will undoubtedly employ an army of lawyers and lobbyists to avoid the punishment they so richly deserve, the working people of America can send them a message by takingtheir hard-earned dollars elsewhere.
Don't support a bank that steals from our troops. Boycott JPMorgan Chase!